
The starry sky has always been a great source of inspiration since the dawn of time. Otherwise, a clear sky is always ideal for learning about astrophotography or star photography. Even with a few still clouds, it is possible to get a nice shot. However, having a good camera is essential as this is long distance shooting. So you have to be in the right place at the right time....

Food photography: think of me! It is well known that cooking is on the rise. But in fact, we start to taste with our eyes. It is then that your professional photographer will intervene  , a professional who will know how to offer your dishes in their best possible light! Why hire a food photographer? But why call on a  food photographer  ? In fact, today, like yesterday for that matter, cooking is...

Photographie corporate : ses particularités. Aujourd’hui, la photographie corporate est l’un des moyens les plus utilisés pour promouvoir une marque ou lancer les nouveaux services d’une entreprise. Elle peut aussi être utilisée pour la création de contenu visuel pour des supports marketing ou pour documenter des événements socioculturels. Pour en savoir davantage sur cette technique photographique, suivez le guide. Je suis Gabriel GORGI, photographe corporate et d'entreprise à Paris et région parisienne, aujourd'hui j'aimerais...